This little one is soft as satin and so precious to me. Poor thing... she sort of got into a habit of licking my cheek when I would cry just after placing mom in the nursing home, which was so very often. She knows that salty pain and after she takes a couple of licks, she will either curl up closely on my lap or if we are in bed, she will get on my head/pillow. I have told her it was salty pain. And when I know I am about to cry and say I feel salty pain, she gives this mournful, quiet whine. Well that makes me cry too. fitted bodycon wedding wears With Lace Appliques
She was purchased to help my mother's grieving of dad's passing - two years and nine months ago today. It worked... despite the awful disease of Alzheimer's she was suffering from.
Mom loved our little Hope Divine. Hope knew on mom's very sad days, even when she was a boisterous and feisty pupoy, that the mood was different and as badly, I'm sure, that she wanted to run around and play, she wouldn't. She would stay so still on mom's lap.
And now, her devotion and knowing my moods just astonishes me and I don't know what I would do without her. My allergies have taken a hard hit, but Claritin and Benadryl are my friends now.
Today I woke up so peaceful. I know my mother is being well cared for and I know my father is in the presence of the Lord. It wasn't until about an hour ago that my phone popped up an alarm reminder of what today was. So I cried in the shower and got that out of the way. You see, it really is ok to cry. That's what our Heavenly Father tells us.
So thanks for reading this long, probably silly post, but it has helped ME so much to always know I can share with you my family, friends and friends I have never met... and my very special Shih Poo Nation/Game Room/Family friends. I never thought I would have many friends outside my church. But Hope opened that door and I love all of them so much.
My cousin will be having surgery tomorrow. Please, just lift this request to our Lord.
Pray for one another and thank you for always lifting my name and my mom's in prayer. # forthegloryofGod # HopeDivine # sweetgirl # sweetface # Imissmydaddy # HeavensGain # JerryMonroeHooks # twoyearsninemonths # alzheimerssucks # NonaHooks # mullican # prayersneeded