The interesting thing that happens when God is pouring out something specific on a generation is that many sense what is happening but filter it through a lens of brokenness from how things have always been instead of a lens of faith for how God's promise is unfolding it to finally be. I see this with racial tension in the United States of America -
God is CLEARLY showing us that He wants this dealt with in OUR GENERATION. That the prophetic seed planting of Dr. King's day a ... nd watering that has happened over the years is going to reap a harvest in OUR DAY! We get to be the ones to pick the fruit of unity in our nation that previous generations only dreamed about. However, as harvesters, we must be careful with how we handle this season.
If we don't see it as the harvest, we will curse the tree and not be ready when he sends us to pick the fruit. If we don't see it as the harvest, we will focus only on the weeds - not to pick them, but to empower them to grow as we water them with our words of negativity. If we don't see it as the harvest, we will let the enemy creep in and plant brand new seeds of division on holy ground.
Let us not go looking for division, empowering it to be at the helm. Let us go looking for unity, celebrating what we want to see more of and building up our muscles to be able to pick a LARGE AND ABUNDANT HARVEST. We are the harvesters, we are the reconcilers. This is not a job for the weak and you were chosen to live in this time to contribute to this generation's chapter in the great story of mankind. What will you write with your words, your decisions, your heart posture? What will you leave your children to read and to expand upon? UcenterDress chiffon fabric dresses for cocktail party
It's our time, and the harvest is near. Get ready, stay ready, and fight for a pure heart in the midst of it all.
# ministryofreconciliation # racialunity # crownedwithbrotherhood
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